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Najděte nové zaměstnance ještě dnes
LonnieCrill, 16. 9. 2020 10:44
Dobrý den,
pokud budete hledat nové zaměstnance, doporučuji vyzkoušet https://tvojekariera.cz/
Držím palce! Ať se daří při hledání!
Why crawl? When you can fly. Add wings to your website with the online payment Solution.
Surbhi Verma, 10. 9. 2020 16:43
Dear Sir
Greetings !
Why crawl? When you can fly. Add wings to your website with the online payment Solution.
Leap ahead from your competitors and the secret to success no more secret.
Last month my colleague Komal contacted you for the Payment gateway Solution for your online business, I would like to check if would be interested to proceed with same.
I can offer some exciting rates.
Our company https://amald.com/ offer credit card and various local payment methods (eNets, Net Banking, Alipay, CUP, SEPA, SOFORT..etc) to accept online payments on your websites.
Our pricing starts from 1.5% for Local Payments and 2.5% for credit card payments, which is typically economic from other competitor.
Email me on info@amald.com ; I will help you to proceed swiftly
Surbhi Verma.
Georgebeero, 3. 9. 2020 15:31
Grand Royale Park Španelsko
Cena Cenu Odd Madrid, Španelsko
Vážený príjemce,
S potešením vám oznamujeme, že jste jedním z 10 štastných výher v mezinárodním e-mailu s loterií Euro Millions Vylosování adresy 28. srpna 2020, kvuli smesi jmen a adresy, byl výsledek zverejnen 2. zárí 2020. Všech 10 výherních adres bylo náhodne vybráno z dávky 50 000 000
mezinárodních e-mailových adres. Vaše e-mailová adresa se objevila vedle S 10 dalšími vítezem kategorie 3 ve slosování loterie Euro Millions.
V dusledku toho jste tedy byli schváleno pro celkovou výplatu 1 000 000,00 EUR (pouze jeden milion EUR), jsou pripojeny následující údaje k vašemu platebnímu príkazu loto: (I) Císlo šarže: BCA / 022 / CAC (ii) Císlo lístku: 197-033-02345 (iii) Štastné císlo: 04-6-8-12-24 (iv) Ref. c .: MTD / SAN / 9500 / LAS.
Internetové losování o loterijní program Euro Millions se koná jednou za rok a je organizováno tak, aby povzbudilo všechny lidé celící temto prípadum Covid-19. S hrdostí mužeme ríci, že ve více než 150 zemích sveta se každorocne získává více než 200 milionu EUR.
Chcete-li získat svou výherní cenu, musíte co nejdríve kontaktovat jmenovaného agenta pro okamžité propuštení z vašich výher:
E-mail: amucioabogados@infocaixa.info
Kontaktní telefon: 0034 -603 - 248 - 636
Spozdravem Paní Sandra Amparo. KOORDINÁTOR PROPAGACE.
Collecting aid for victims of repression in Belarus
AnthonyRuh, 14. 8. 2020 12:49
Good day, Belarus is currently experiencing brutal detentions and beatings of civilians. If you want to help them, we have announced a collection of aid for victims of repression in Belarus
Mobile App & Software development as per your need
CALLnDATA, 12. 8. 2020 14:10
We have experience team which has delivered a wide range of versatile projects for Mobile App, software, website development and other device. If you looking for experience team who can understand your business to hire, we can deliver in time and in budget. We can do following for you
1. Mobile app design & development in Android, iOS and Windows with end to end solutions for your new Idea or business application
2. Web Application / Desktop Application Development using MEAN, MERN, .net, Java,C#, Python
3. Website design and development in any php framework , Python, ASP.net and Java
4. e-commerce and market place portal design and development as per your need
5. Custom Software development using asp.net, php and Java.
We have below ready to use / customize software: -
1. ERP /customized software for medium-sized business
2. Hospital Managemeny System
3. School / College Managemeny System
4. Video Conference System for corporate Internal use
Please feel to call me anytime on the below mentioned numbers, to discuss your Software Development requirements and I would be glad to assist you.
Ravi Kant
callNdata Technologies
skype : ravikant2010
India: +91 8767 477 454 (Whatsapp)
Malaysia : +60 115 118 0556 (Whatsapp)
Ready-made scale models of World of Tanks
Jimmy Scowley, 7. 8. 2020 6:33
Dear Sir/mdm,
Our company Resinscales is looking for distributors and resellers for its unique product: ready-made tank models from the popular massively multiplayer online game - World of Tanks.
Such models are designed for fans of the game WoT and collectors of military models.
What makes our tank models stand out?
- We are focusing on tanks not manfactured by any companies, therefore we have no competitors
- Accurately made in 1/35 scale
- Very high accuracy of details and colors
- The price of the model tank is the same as the production cost
If you are interested to be our distributor/reseller then please let us know from the contacts below.
Ignore this message if it had been wrongly sent to you.
Sandra Anderson, 4. 8. 2020 3:23
Dear Colleagues
We are located in the United Kingdom, and trading under the famous supermarket chain name Sainsbury's Supermarkets Limited. It is UK's one of the largest multi-channel retailer with over 1423 shops furnished by European products. As you are already aware, the UK lockdown has been extended due to coronavirus, and we are urgently looking for new suppliers with any products ( priority which has it in stock ). We are looking for all kind of products to attract new customers and also retained our existing ones, as long as you have them in inventory for immediate shipping.
Please send us your catalogue or your website through email to speed up the process and treat this email as urgent. We hope to be able to order with you and start a long-term friendly, respectable and trustworthy business partnership.
We count on the reliability of both sides. We commit ourselves for successful and professional processing for good cooperation in all ranges.
We would appreciate if you could send us your stock availability via email: sandra@sainsburyplcs.com
We will also be pleased to receive any offers or proposals from other products available and ready (Stocks and rates).
Target: Our Payment Term is swift within 30 days net in Europe and 15 days NET in UK as we operate with all our suppliers.
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Limited
Purchasing Department / Mrs Sandra Anderson
33 Holborn
United Kingdom
Email: sandra@sainsburyplcs.com
Helpline: +442081266699 (+44 208 126 6699 or 020 8126 6699)
Dalibor Harald, 3. 8. 2020 8:33
My name is Dalibor Harald, Thank you for your time, my company offers project financing/Joint Ventures Partnership and lending services, do you have any projects that require funding/ Joint Ventures Partnership at the moment? We are ready to work with you on a more transparent approach.
Best regards,
Dalibor Harald
Principal Partner
E-mail: daliborharald01@gmail.com
Amsterdam Escort
CarolynNer, 24. 7. 2020 18:37
We’re Best Amsterdam Escorts for a reason. Not only are we the most reliable and affordable escort service in Amsterdam, but we offer the greatest selection of ladies and a great variety of fantasies.
Booking with us is easy. Your information is always secure. And the girl of your dreams always arrives.
And you can always depend on the discretion of our agency and our escorts.
Check out our packages for some of our escort’s creative fantasies!
Order you escort on line right below or call us at 0031 649 555 722
New: DA50 for hamzuv-park.cz
Mike Bush , 17. 7. 2020 2:17
Gооd dаy!
If you want to get ahead of your competition, have a higher Domain Authority score. Its just simple as that.
With our service you get Domain Authority above 50 points in just 30 days.
This service is guaranteed
For more information, check our service here
thank you
Mike Bush
Monkey Digital
Do you want cheap and innovative advertising for little money?
Joshuarak, 10. 7. 2020 5:25
Hеllо! hamzuv-park.cz
Did yоu knоw thаt it is pоssiblе tо sеnd lеttеr еntirеly lаwful?
Wе оffеring а nеw lеgаl wаy оf sеnding prоpоsаl thrоugh соntасt fоrms. Suсh fоrms аrе lосаtеd оn mаny sitеs.
Whеn suсh businеss оffеrs аrе sеnt, nо pеrsоnаl dаtа is usеd, аnd mеssаgеs аrе sеnt tо fоrms spесifiсаlly dеsignеd tо rесеivе mеssаgеs аnd аppеаls.
аlsо, mеssаgеs sеnt thrоugh fееdbасk Fоrms dо nоt gеt intо spаm bесаusе suсh mеssаgеs аrе соnsidеrеd impоrtаnt.
Wе оffеr yоu tо tеst оur sеrviсе fоr frее. Wе will sеnd up tо 50,000 mеssаgеs fоr yоu.
Thе соst оf sеnding оnе milliоn mеssаgеs is 49 USD.
This lеttеr is сrеаtеd аutоmаtiсаlly. Plеаsе usе thе соntасt dеtаils bеlоw tо соntасt us.
Contact us.
Telegram - @FeedbackFormEU
Skype FeedbackForm2019
WhatsApp - +375259112693
Business Inquiry
David Floyd, 9. 7. 2020 8:06
Good Day,
I am David Floyd in charge of purchase and sales in D & D Industries.
We are interested in doing a business with your company.
Our client is in need of your product please get back to me with your business terms.So i can place my demand.
Your early reply is highly appreciated. Contact us through E-mail: sales@danddindustrustires.com
Best regards
David Floyd
D & D Industries, Inc
E-mail: sales@danddindustrustires.com
Payment Gateway for your website
Komalboace, 29. 6. 2020 14:52
Greetings, I reached to your website while searching for something on internet. But I am writing as I was wondering about the payment method currently offered by you to your customers while having such great website?
I work for https://amald.com/ and we can offer credit card and various local payment methods (eNets, Net Banking, Alipay, CUP, SEPA, SOFORT..etc) to accept online payments on your websites.
Our pricing start with 1.5% for Local Payments and 2.5% for
credit card payments, Which typically economic from other competitor.
Email me on info@amald.com; I will send you further information and joining process.
Your SEO quote
Mike Jackson, 29. 6. 2020 13:07
As we have discussed on our website`s chat, here is the SEO pricing I was referring to
And as promissed we will also include 1500 non-ugc backlinks as bonus, along with the plan.
thank you
Top SEO Expert
Charlessauri, 7. 6. 2020 13:20
Dear Colleagues
We are located in the United Kingdom, and trading under the famous supermarket chain name Sainsbury's Supermarkets Limited. It is UK's one of the largest multi-channel retailer with over 1423 shops furnished by European products. As you already aware the UK is on lockdown due to coronavirus and we urgently looking for new suppliers with any kind of products currently you keeping in stock. We are looking for all kind of products to attract new customers and also retained our existing ones, as long as you have them in stock for immediate shipping.
Please send us your catalogue or your website through email to speed up the process and treat this email as urgent. We hope to be able to order with you and start a long-term friendly, respectable and solid business partnership.
We count on the reliability of both sides. We commit ourselves for successful and professional processing for good cooperation in all ranges.
Please, keep in mind that we are only interested in the products you currently have in stock.
We would appreciate if you could send us your stock availability via email: suppliers@sainsburyplcs.com
We will also be pleased to receive any offers or proposals from other products available and ready (Stocks and rates).
Target: Our Payment Term is swift within 30 days net in Europe and 15 days NET in UK as we operate with all our suppliers.
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Limited
Purchasing Department
33 Holborn
United Kingdom
Email: suppliers@sainsburyplcs.com
Helpline: +442081266699 (+44 208 126 6699 or 020 8126 6699)
[VIP] This invitation is a ticket for winning your life. Team PGA.
Prince Taylor, 6. 6. 2020 20:04
I'm Prince Taylor.
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PGA Plans
re: Additional details
Peter Corden, 28. 5. 2020 10:29
Hi There
after reviewing your hamzuv-park.cz website, we recommend our new 1 month SEO max Plan, as the best solution to rank efficiently, which will guarantee a positive SEO trend in just 1 month of work. One time payment, no subscriptions.
More details about our plan here:
thank you
Monkey Digital
MichaelMor, 25. 5. 2020 2:07
Dear Sir / Madam
Collaboration.center is the first FREE platform in the United Kingdom, which is offering free direct contact with major UK retailers for the manufacturers, suppliers, and wholesalers.
If you are thinking to sell your products within the United Kingdom or even expand your sales and find new retailers who are well known in the country, then our free internet platform www.collaboration.center is the perfect place for you to start.
There is no registration so you won't receive any unwanted mail just direct reply from retailers you select.
Take your chance and use it straight away while it's free ( limited time only )
Collaboration Center Team
Email: hello@collaboration.center
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Igjdfjvkdgvj jfsfcjsjfkj ifjfsifhidjfw iijfosjfd https://mail.ru/?gjvhdfjdfuvdbggf
Daviddiags, 16. 9. 2020 21:28